88 thoughts on “About

  1. Ah, another annoyingly talented and creative young woman with a wonderful aesthetic sense. Your blog posts are quite lovely (and you’re a good Aussie chick to boot!) 🙂

  2. Hi Jessica, thank you for stopping by my blog and being one of the first ones to like my post! I’m a new to blogging and was excited to see your like! =) Your blog looks pretty! Keep on creating and dreaming! ^^

  3. I am trying to rush out the door and I give one click to check out your blog and wham! bam! that’s the rest of the day put to one side. Love the photo and the top of the Home page, did you take that? This looks like one artistic side very creatively and well put together. I will be back and look forward to more of your posts. Have to agree as well, Rome is one of THE cities. ANd I love my food…I think I could spend hours on here and yet I only popped over to say “thanks for the like” on my own page. MM 🍀

  4. Jessica, I was just looking you up as I was about to nominate you for an award and then I find that you have just started to follow my own wee blog. I was shocked! How come the delay? 😮 Just kidding thanks so much for the follow, glad you could be persuaded in the end and you will be hearing from me very soon. MM 😀

  5. I simply adore the design of your blog, it’s so sleek, sophisticated, classy, not cluttered, simple to navigate and clear, I hope I manage to make my blog look so beautiful and professional at some point. Still a newbie and though I’m wacky I don’t think I’m quite at the point where it represents me… Well done, definitely one of my favorites. ❤

  6. Hello lovely= I could not find your email so I am going to post it here. I have nominated you for The Leibster Award- you can read about it –http://theevandaestes.com/2013/12/03/the-leibster-award/ — I always love your post and feel like everyone out there should know about it!!!


  7. My wife and I really like your blog, we are jealous that you can plant and work on your garden all year round, we are in the middle of winter right now and wishing we could start all our spring and summer garden plans. Thanks for all the ideas!

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